Rebates for Level 3 DC Chargers
Level 3 DC Charger - 120kW DC fast chargers use direct current (DC) power instead of alternating current (AC) power and can deliver up to 400-900V of maximum power directly…
Rebates for Level 2 AC Chargers
Level 2 11.5kW AC Charger Level 2 chargers require a 220-240-volt outlet that is typically used for major appliances such as washing machine and electric clothes dryer. These chargers can…
Vendor Application
Fill out the vendor application below. All fields are fillable and clickable. Once you have filled out the application completely there is a gray and white download arrow icon you'll…
Local companies find high tech ways to fight spread of COVID-19 at home, school and work
Schools and businesses across the Kansas City metro are stepping up to find high tech ways to combat the spread of COVID-19. The news story can be found online at FOX…
Lenexa UVC company seeing spike in stocking stuffer sales
The coronavirus isn’t just affecting people’s shopping habits this holiday season, it might also affect their gift lists. The news story can be found online at FOX 4 News. For more…